Patreon — Astonishing Legends

Support the Show with


We realized that whenever we got together with friends or pretty much anywhere, we would wind up talking in depth about great mysteries. We both have a passion for them and once we figured out we each had more than a cursory knowledge of the unknown, we thought that we might have a good idea for a podcast, and Astonishing Legends was born.
We launched in October of 2014, and we couldn't wait to share the 1000 plus stories we'd collectively saved. Since then we've had over 50 million downloads and climbed as high as number 22 on the iTunes charts for all podcasts. Prior to launching we searched for shows that most closely resembled what we wanted to do and to our surprise, we found that there weren't any, at least not like us. We are both interested in mixed topics, similar to those old TV shows, Unsolved Mysteries and, In Search Of. We wanted to go further than they had though, and we also wanted to lighten the whole genre up. If a guest tells us a giant demon with wings popped out of a bush in their backyard and flew into the woods, nothing can stop us from cracking a few jokes about that. However, we're not above scaring our listeners when it's called for.

We've set this Patreon page up because what we're doing is not without its costs and we want to keep doing it. Podcasting itself is still in its infancy, and a lot of folks aren't even sure you can make a living at it, but 3 years in now, it would appear we might just be able to do that. We're not trying to get rich, we just want to keep doing the show and we want it to be the only job the two of us have. There are no high-powered networks or radio professionals behind our show. We are the underdog; pulling ourselves up out of the muddy sea of over 750,000 podcasts. With the help of Patrons such as yourself we can bring Astonishing Legends to the masses, and possibly even start to dig out of the financial hole we've dug for ourselves.

Our show is not changing, it will stay free! Patreon is not about paying for what you're currently getting for free, it's about supporting something you enjoy and making it possible for us to keep doing it. However, Patrons at various levels will have exclusive access to free Astonishing Legends merchandise like our super cool decals and glow-in-the-dark t shirts or monthly Google Hangouts and Skype Group calls! Patrons at $10 and above will get exclusive access to additional audio content not available anywhere else! Read the pledge levels below for details on all of it, we are excited about it!

We are eternally grateful for the outpouring of support we've already received from our ever expanding community of listeners that hail from all over the world. If you're one of those people, thank you. We are hoping that you will now become a patron. Your support will give us a chance to do more research and produce the show more frequently. We want to be the show you can't wait to hear when you need a distraction from your workout, commute, or the voices in your head. In fact, WE want to be the voices in your head. 

invenimus arcana
Scott & Forrest

P.S. - That voices thing is a joke. It's about headphones. You've got enough people in there already.


Membership Levels

Become a patron to



Mothman Movement

Welcome to the movement...
Interested in a great discount on some astonishing swag? Look no further! At this level you'll gain a one-time use gift card to the store. In April 2017 we launched 4 new t-shirt designs, and more items are coming! You'll also get access to our patron-only content feed. Oh, and you'll have access to our Patreon exclusive newsletter that has links, theories, and more never before seen by anyone but the ARC!


BONUS episode exclusives throughout the year available through the super secret patron feed

COMMERCIAL FREE episodes & occasional early releases (within 24hrs of main feed upload).

Patron-only content feed

$10 off store discount


Giant Squid Society

Squids are more powerful than you think...
At this level, you'll be getting a $20 one-time use credit to use at the store! You'll also have access to behind the scenes exclusives on pending and past shows, transcripts, and more as it becomes available. Oh, and you'll also have access to our Patreon exclusive newsletter that has links, theories, and more never before seen by anyone but the ARC!


BONUS episode exclusives throughout the year available through the super secret patron feed

COMMERCIAL FREE episodes & occasional early releases (within 24hrs of main feed upload)

Patron-only content feed


$20 off store discount


Skinwalker Squadron

Welcome to the Astonishing Legion...

You will get a $25 one time use gift card to the store. Oh, and you'll also have access to our Patreon exclusive newsletter that has links, theories, and more never before seen by anyone but the ARC!

If you choose, you can also mingle with other ARC members as well as Scott and Forrest with behind the curtain access to the green room of the famed Astonishing Research Corp. There's no obligation (you can just observe), but we'll be expecting to hear from you if you have some insights we might have overlooked. If you're up to the task, we may even assign you a topic to dig into and send us your summary on.


COMMERCIAL FREE episodes & occasional early releases (within 24hrs of main feed upload).

BONUS episode exclusives throughout the year available through the super secret patron feed

Patron-only content feed


$25 off store discount

ARC Green Room access
