Ep 7: A Krampus Christmas
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All pictures from The Running of the Butt Mandle in Bertchesgaden, Germany, Dec 6th 2014. Photos property of Astonishing Legends/Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess 2014 – All Rights Reserved
Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Krampus? Every part of the world has different traditions at the end of the year. Have you ever stopped to think about the origins of those traditions? Ever stop to think they might be Pagan in nature? Well we not only stopped to think about it, we dove into it and came back with some amazing information, bolstered with an iPhone movie taken only days ago in Germany at one of the strangest, but most interesting traditions of them all, The Krampus!
Twas the Night Before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring except for The Krampus on the front porch waiting for the bad kids so he could kidnap them in the basket on his back and take them away.
Friends of the show, George and Ashley, agreed to share the video below from The Running of the Butt Mandle, shot just days ago on December 6th, 2014 in Berchtesgaden, Germany. Ashley was switched hard enough to have come away with welts on her leg during this procession.
[video src="http://www.astonishinglegends.com/wp-content/uploads/KrampusVidWaterMarked.mp4""http://www.astonishinglegends.com/wp-content/uploads/KrampusVidPoster.jpg"]
Video Courtesy: Ashley Wigglesworth
Forrest’s favorite horrifying version of A Christmas Carol.
The Venture Brothers
Forrest briefly discusses a strange connection between Christmas and The Venture Brothers.
If you can't click on these links, visit our website. We've got some good stuff for this one.
Episode 7 – A Krampus Christmas produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Ryan McCullough Sound Design; Scott Philbrook Sound Editing. Copyright Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess 2014. All Rights Reserved.
Photo Credits:
Ashley Wigglesworth, copyright 2014