Ep 59: The Count of Saint Germain Part 2
Photo Gallery:

1 & 2 ) What is thought to be an image of the Count of Saint Germain. From Wikipedia: An engraving of the Count of St. Germain by Nicolas Thomas made in 1783, after a painting then owned by the Marquise d’Urfe and now apparently lost. Contained at the Louvre in France; 3 & 4) Isabel Cooper-Oakley 5) Francis II Rakoczy (The Count’s Father?) 6) Horace Walpole 7) Voltaire 8) Louis XV by Maurice Quentin de la Tour 1748 9) Louix XV by Rigaud 1730 10) Madame du Pompadour by Boucher 11) Rosicrucian Symbol 12) Prince Carl Hesse-Cassel 13 & 14) Chateau du Chambord 15) Alchemy
If you wished you could do all the things the Count of Saint Germain could do, meet all the people he had met, and learn all the secrets of life he seemed to possess, and on top of it all, have several lifetimes to employ your skills, what then? The question is, what would you do with these gifts? Would you be content to merely be the life of the party, or would you try and make a difference in the affairs of nations and enlighten humanity, even if it cost you your freedom or your once immortal life? Depending on your answer, the bigger question might be, does it take the right person to seek the mysteries, or do the mysteries seek the right person?
Tonight’s Quote:
“I thought, with all due respect to Madame la Comtesse, that the devil had long since made a mantle out of the skin of this personage.”
— Madame d’Adhemar’s maid, as she explained that the Count of Saint Germain was waiting to see her. From d’Adhemar’s book, “Souvenirs de la Marie Antoinette” published in 1836.
Show Links:
We’ve found that some sites are not showing these links as clickable unless they are URLs, so until those outlets improve their show notes section, we are providing actual URLs next to the clickable description of each link to make things easier for our listeners!
- Jessie Desmond’s Timeline of the Count’s appearances on her blog, Finding Count St. Germain http://bit.ly/2jhyNas
- Extraordinary savant, Daniel Tammett http://bit.ly/2jhuoEt
- The Oldest People in the World http://bit.ly/2ka0FgS
- Emma Morano, last person alive born in 1800s, turns 117 http://bit.ly/2ka1XIx
- Travis J. Dow’s collection of podcasts on Podcastnik, with Pete Collman http://www.podcastnik.com/
- Direct to: Travis J. Dow & Pete Collman’s History of Alchemy podcast http://bit.ly/2jym9Fe
- Jessie Desmond’s Finding Count St. Germain blog http://bit.ly/2j9GX5p
- The Elixir of Life http://bit.ly/2ka0Cle
- The Philosopher’s Stone http://bit.ly/2iLkr5U
- The Count of St. Germain, on Wikipedia http://bit.ly/2jtpbK6
- Is the fantastic American actor and comedian Kevin Pollak The Count? – He kinda looks like him! http://bit.ly/2iLrbRq
- François-Marie Arouet, the man known as Voltaire http://bit.ly/1L0hapB
- The alchemy website on levity.com http://bit.ly/2kbMCvs
- Alchemy on Wikipedia http://bit.ly/2j9Bdc3
- Thomas Sleman’s book, Strange but True: Mysterious and Bizarre People, Who Were They and Where Did They Go http://a.co/d8ZQoBz
- Other books by Thomas Sleman http://amzn.to/2kbPqZi
- Jacobite rising of 1745 http://bit.ly/2j4iY9B
- Major-General, Lord Robert Clive, aka “Clive of India” http://bit.ly/2ka14A2
- Seven Years’ War on Wikipedia http://bit.ly/1Mm2WCo
- The Seven Years’ War on The History Channel http://bit.ly/1LF0QLj
- Prince Charles “Karl” of Hesse-Kassel http://bit.ly/2iLJ9Dh
- Rosicrucianism on Wikipedia http://bit.ly/2jOiTbp
- Étienne François, duc de Choiseul http://bit.ly/2ka4oea
- Joanna Elisabeth of Holstein-Gottorp http://bit.ly/2jhvuQR
- Catherine the Great http://bit.ly/1qaT3gM
- Biography of Catherine II, aka Catherine the Great http://bit.ly/1ELdg0B
- Peter III of Russia http://bit.ly/2jhAWmp
- Hotel de Ville, Paris http://bit.ly/1RW2U0W
- Napoleon III http://bit.ly/1FIvTFD
- Francis Rákóczi II, possible father of The Count of St. Germain? http://bit.ly/2jhwT9X
- The Bilderberg Group http://bit.ly/1N4LbqD
- Bilderberg Meetings’ official website http://bilderbergmeetings.org/
- Bohemian Grove http://bit.ly/1HZRwBF
- List of Bohemian Club members http://bit.ly/2ahiw5U
- Ambrose Bierce’s An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge http://bit.ly/2iLFg16
- The Ambrose Bierce Project http://bit.ly/1uoJBkH
- PBS Documentary: Uranium – Twisting the Dragon’s Tail http://to.pbs.org/2jII66j
- Manhattan Project http://bit.ly/1K0ca3P
- Harry Shearer’s film, Teddy Bear’s Picnic http://imdb.to/2kahsQG
- Casebook on the Men In Black, by Jim Keith http://bit.ly/2jXmXmT
- Vlad III, aka “Vlad the Impaler” or “Vlad Dracula” http://bit.ly/1nkAxP0
- Principality of Wallachia http://bit.ly/2j4sF7I
- Zuul the Gatekeeper, from Ghostbusters http://bit.ly/2jJgtdK
- Have Scientists Found a Way to Actually Reduce the Effects of Aging? http://bit.ly/2jXd4W1
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The Dark Myths Collective
Episode 059 – “The Count of Saint Germain, Part 2” Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Edited by Sarah Vorhees, Ryan McCullough Sound Design; Research Assistance by Tess Pfeifle and the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a,k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or “A.R.C.” for short. Copyright 2017 Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess. All Rights Reserved.