Posts in Unexplainable Phenomena
Ep 304: The Baldoon Mystery with Dr. Rick Fehr
Creatures & Beings, Conversations, Folklore & Legend, Haunted, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest Burgess2025, 304, Baldoon Mystery, Ontario, Canada, poltergeist, Bell Witch, Wizard Clip, haunted, cursed, black goose, Rick Fehr, Toronto, Walliceburg, Belledoon, Gef the Mongoose, War of 1812, William Tecumseh Sherman
Ep 300: The Astonishing Legends All-Star Holiday Special
Conversations, UFOs & Aliens, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest Burgess2024, UFO, UAP, New Jersey, drones, paranormal, Jim Harold, Micah Hanks, Allison Jornlin, Scared All The Time, Richard Hatem, American Ghost Walks
Ep 299: The Program with James Fox
Conversations, UFOs & Aliens, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest Burgess2024, 299, James Fox, UFO, UAP, Cover up, Pentagon, documentary, The Program, Moment of Contact, I Know What I Saw, Lue Elizondo, abduction, The Phenomenon
Ep 295: Your True Halloween Stories III
Unexplainable Phenomena, Conversations, Haunted, Creatures & BeingsForrest Burgess2024, 295, Halloween, aportation, imaginary friend, ghost, shadow people, Entity, poltergeist, lucid dream, nightmare, telekinesis, spirit, Djinn, Belleview-Biltmore Hotel
Ep 294: The Entity with Xavier Ortega Part 2
Unexplainable Phenomena, Conversations, HauntedForrest Burgess2024, 293, Doris Bither, Culver City, CA, California, The Entity, Barbara Hershey, UCLA, Barry Taff, Javier Ortega, Xavier Ortega, Ghost Theory,, Parapsychology, incubus, succubus, spirit oppression, infestation, demon, demonic, shadow people, Kerry Gaynor, 294, Part 2, Braddock, Middleway, San Pedro haunting, Barry Conrad
Ep 293: The Entity with Xavier Ortega Part 1
Unexplainable Phenomena, Conversations, HauntedForrest Burgess2024, 293, Doris Bither, Culver City, CA, California, The Entity, Barbara Hershey, UCLA, Barry Taff, Javier Ortega, Xavier Ortega, Ghost Theory,, Parapsychology, incubus, succubus, spirit oppression, infestation, demon, demonic, shadow people, Kerry Gaynor
Ep 292: American Bloodfalls with Tom Maxwell Part 2
Folklore & Legend, Unexplainable Phenomena, ConversationsForrest Burgess2024, 291, Bloodfalls, Blood Falls, Nat Turner, Kentucky meat shower, Lebanon, Kentucky, raining meat, raining blood, sky, Charles Fort, Fortean, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Tom Maxwell, Tennessee, 292
Ep 291: American Bloodfalls with Tom Maxwell Part 1
Folklore & Legend, Unexplainable Phenomena, ConversationsForrest Burgess2024, 291, Bloodfalls, Blood Falls, Nat Turner, Kentucky meat shower, Lebanon, Kentucky, raining meat, raining blood, sky, Charles Fort, Fortean, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Tom Maxwell, Tennessee
Ep 286: Live From Monster Fest 2024
Folklore & Legend, Conversations, Cryptids, Haunted, Landmarks Objects & Structures, UFOs & Aliens, Unexplainable Phenomena, Creatures & BeingsStephen Montevoy2024, 286, Monster Fest, Canton Ohio, cryptid, Bigfoot, Sasquatch, ghost stories, UFO, UAP, Small Town Monsters, On The Trail, Seth Breedlove, Lyle Blackburn, Chris Moneymaker, Cliff Barackman, Jim Harold, Stan Gordon, Scared All The Time
Ep 282: The Elusive Force – A Powerful Polish Poltergeist Part 2
Unexplainable PhenomenaStephen Montevoy2024, 281, poltergeist, Poland, Polish, Andrzej, Joasia, Ewa, Gajewski, The Elusive Force, RSPK, recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis, Marian Tomecki, Anna Ostrzycka, Marek Rymuszko, Joel Stern, Polish Biocenotic Society, Eustachiusz Gadula, 282
Ep 281: The Elusive Force – A Powerful Polish Poltergeist Part 1
Unexplainable PhenomenaStephen Montevoy2024, 281, poltergeist, Poland, Polish, Andrzej, Joasia, Ewa, Gajewski, The Elusive Force, RSPK, recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis, Marian Tomecki, Anna Ostrzycka, Marek Rymuszko, Joel Stern, Polish Biocenotic Society, Eustachiusz Gadula
Ep 280: The Third Man Syndrome Part 2
Unexplainable PhenomenaStephen Montevoy2024, 279, Third Man Syndrome, Third Man Factor, Third Man Phenomenon, sensed presence experience, extreme and unusual environments, John Geiger, Peter Suedfeld, Ernest Shackleton, South Pole, Reinhold Messner, guardian angel, Spirit Guides, higher self, astral self, bicameral mind, Lindbergh, Antarctica, Mount Everest, cave diving, 280
Ep 279: The Third Man Syndrome Part 1
Unexplainable PhenomenaStephen Montevoy2024, 279, Third Man Syndrome, Third Man Factor, Third Man Phenomenon, sensed presence experience, extreme and unusual environments, John Geiger, Peter Suedfeld, Ernest Shackleton, South Pole, Reinhold Messner, guardian angel, Spirit Guides, higher self, astral self, bicameral mind, Lindbergh, Antarctica, Mount Everest, cave diving
Ep 276: The Ghosts of Versailles Part 2
Haunted, Unexplainable Phenomena, Notable FiguresStephen Montevoy2024, Versailles, Trianon, time slip, Glitch in the Matrix, Moberly–Jourdain incident, Petit, Charlotte Anne Moberly, Eleanor Jourdain, Marie Antoinette, Elizabeth Morison, Frances Lamont, Petit Trianon, Palace of Versailles, time travel, France, portal, 276
Ep 275: The Ghosts of Versailles Part 1
Landmarks Objects & Structures, Haunted, Unexplainable Phenomena, Notable FiguresForrest Burgess2024, 275, Versailles, Trianon, time slip, Glitch in the Matrix, Moberly–Jourdain incident, Petit, Charlotte Anne Moberly, Eleanor Jourdain, Marie Antoinette, Elizabeth Morison, Frances Lamont, Petit Trianon, Palace of Versailles, time travel, France, portal
Ep 270: The Legend of the Wizard Clip
Conversations, Creatures & Beings, Haunted, Unexplainable Phenomena, Folklore & Legend, Notable FiguresForrest Burgess2023, Wizard Clip, W Virginia, WV, West Virginia, Middleway, Smithfield, Appalachian, Appalachia, Bell Witch, Gef the Mongoose, poltergeist, ghost, witch, Catholic, Protestant, Presbyterian, deism, Opequon, Winchester, Folklore, legend, Adam Livingston, Livingstone, Diderot, Michael Kishbucher, Heather Moser, Small Town Monsters, Pig Lady, Cannelton, demon, possession, lore, Little Beaver Creek, Clip Town, McSherry, Conewago, Dennis Cahill, Voltaire, Finotti, Mobberly, supernatural, Priest Field, haunted, Georgetown, Society of Jesus, Jesuit, Palatine, Johann Wilhelm, Pennsylvania, Liebenstein, Jefferson, Glenluce, Loftus Hall, Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin, Loretto, folk magic, pagan, Lutheran, crescent moon, Spiritualism, Spiritism, exorcism, Last Rites, priest, 270
Ep 269: The Hitchhiker of Mogollon Rim
Conversations, Creatures & Beings, Unexplainable Phenomena, Landmarks Objects & Structures, UFOs & AliensForrest Burgess2023, Missing Time, Fae, 269, Mogollon Rim, Arizona, AZ, Flagstaff, Coyote, Department of Game & Fish, black bears, Missing 411, Navajo, Dine, UFO, UAP, Mogollon Monster, Bigfoot, trickster, wildlife, biologist, Grinning Man, Travis Walton, Sedona, Hypnosis, Anasazi, Hopi
Ep 268: Your True Halloween Stories II – Part 2
Conversations, UFOs & Aliens, Creatures & Beings, Haunted, Unexplainable Phenomena, True CrimeForrest Burgess2023, 267, nightmare, demon, devil, vision, UFO, UAP, Missing Time, alien, Faeries, 268, Ernesto Bustamonte, University of Idaho, Ada, Idaho, Hospice, Social Worker, Men in Black, doppelganger, Shadow People, Ouija, Reptilians, trickster, aportation, suicide, homicide, murder, soul, Near Death Experience, Glitch in the Matrix, Ohio, Moscow, poltergeist, High Strangeness, suicide note
Ep 267: Your True Halloween Stories II – Part 1
Conversations, UFOs & Aliens, Creatures & Beings, Haunted, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest Burgess2023, 267, nightmare, Legend, Tim Curry, Palm Reading, Palmistry, demon, devil, lucid dream, Baltimore, Ring Around the Rosie, Persephone, vision, Philadelphia, Washington Crossing, New Jersey, Stone Tape Theory, Revolutionary War, Civil War, UFO, UAP, abduction, Missing Time, alien, Nordic, Fae, Faeries, Mount de Sales Academy
Ep 262: Shades of Death Road
Unexplainable Phenomena, Folklore & Legend, Haunted, Landmarks Objects & StructuresForrest Burgess2023, 262, Shades of Death Road, Ghost Lake, Jenny Jump State Forest, Jenny Jump mountain, Jack Osborne, New Jersey, Warren County, ghosts, Polaroids, murder, orbs, Haunted Highway, UFO, UAP, Skinwalker, Patrick McFadden