Ep 222: Devil's Den – The Reckoning Part 1 Unexplainable Phenomena, Conversations, Creatures & Beings, Landmarks Objects & Structures, UFOs & AliensForrest BurgessNovember 28, 2021Terry Lovelace, Devil's Den, State Park, UFO, Alien, abduction, abductee, 222, 2021, 155, Incident at Devil's Den, Devil's Den The Reckoning, triangle, USAF, AFOSI, Whiteman AFB, hybrid, Human Hybrid, Dark side of the moon, praying mantis, grays, missing time, implant, Chris Jericho, Fozzy Comments
Ep 218: The Vertical Plane Part 2 Conversations, Creatures & Beings, Haunted, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest BurgessOctober 10, 2021217, 2021, Vertical Plane, Ken Webster, Dodleston, Chester, Cheshire, England, Wales, Henry VIII, Catherine Parr, Liverpool, Grafton Books, ghost, poltergeist, Time Travel, portal, parallel universe, alternate timeline, bootstrap paradox, time paradox, 2109, BBC computer, microcomputer, word processor, Meadow Cottage, Lukas, Thomas, Renaissance, time traveler, River Dee, Loki, TVA, Time Variance Authority, Tom Hiddleston, Owen Wilson, guacamole, Marvel, Thor, 218 Comments
Ep 217: The Vertical Plane Part 1 Conversations, Creatures & Beings, Haunted, Landmarks Objects & Structures, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest BurgessSeptember 25, 2021217, 2021, Vertical Plane, Ken Webster, Dodleston, Chester, Cheshire, England, Wales, Henry VIII, Catherine Parr, Liverpool, Grafton Books, ghost, poltergeist, Time Travel, portal, parallel universe, alternate timeline, bootstrap paradox, time paradox, 2109, BBC computer, microcomputer, word processor, Meadow Cottage, Lukas, Thomas, Renaissance, time traveler, River Dee, Loki, TVA, Time Variance Authority, Tom Hiddleston, Owen Wilson, guacamole, Marvel, Thor Comments
Ep 214: Disclosure with Jeremy Corbell Conversations, Creatures & Beings, UFOs & Aliens, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest BurgessAugust 14, 2021Jeremy Corbell, Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell, Tic Tac, UFO, UAP, David Fravor, Skinwalker Ranch, cattle mutilation, Texas, Navy, pyramid, disclosure, Luis Elizondo, AATIP, Robert Bigelow, Bigelow Aerospace, NIDS, BASS, George Knapp, Colm Kelleher, Hunt for the Skinwalker, Bob Lazar, Area 51, Element 115, aliens, Brandon Fugal, New York Times, Christopher MellonComment
Ep 212: Sasquatch: The Search for Manlike Monsters in History Cryptids, Conversations, Creatures & Beings, Folklore & Legend, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest BurgessJuly 10, 2021Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Denisovan, Penghu, Homo floresiensis, Native American, Gigantopithecus, Woodland Ape, Chehalis, Yeti, Sanderson, China, Micah Hanks, Yetis, ancient history, oral history, oral tradition, Himalaya, 2021, 212 Comment
Ep 211: The True Story Behind "The Conjuring" Part 2 Haunted, Conversations, Folklore & Legend, Landmarks Objects & Structures, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest BurgessJune 27, 2021210, The Conjuring, Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Perron, Andrea Perron, Roger, Carolyn, Haunting, The Farm on Round Top Road, Harrisville, Rhode Island, 1677 Round Top Rd, Burrillville, RI 02830, Massachusetts, The Old Brook Farm, Round Top, Glendale, haunted, haunting, spirit, ghosts, movie, The Conjuring 2, James Wan, Demon, demonic, Bathsheba, Arnold, farm, Heinzen, Madison, 211, Kenny Biddle, Pants, PIRO, 2021 Comments
Ep 210: The True Story Behind "The Conjuring" Part 1 Haunted, Conversations, Folklore & Legend, Landmarks Objects & Structures, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest BurgessJune 12, 2021210, The Conjuring, Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Perron, Andrea Perron, Roger, Carolyn, Haunting, The Farm on Round Top Road, Harrisville, Rhode Island, 1677 Round Top Rd, Burrillville, RI 02830, Massachusetts, The Old Brook Farm, Round Top, Glendale, haunted, haunting, spirit, ghosts, movie, The Conjuring 2, James Wan, Demon, demonic, Bathsheba, Arnold, farm, Heinzen, Madison Comments
Ep 209: The Phantom Horse of Greensboro Conversations, True Crime, Creatures & Beings, Notable FiguresForrest BurgessMay 22, 2021Fritz Klenner, Susie Newsom Lynch, murder, bomb, explosion, 1985, June, Summerfield, NC 150, Strader, Greensboro, North Carolina, NC, Tommy Beaver, ghost, horse, white, cryptid, haunting, haunted, True Crime, 209 Comments
Ep 205: Terry Carnation's "Dark Air" and Rich Hatem Notable Figures, Conversations, Folklore & LegendForrest BurgessMarch 27, 20212021, 205, Terry Carnation, Rainn Wilson, The Office, Dwight Schrute, Rain Wilson, Richard Hatem, Rich Hatem, DC Titans, DC Universe, Titans, Batman, Paranormal, Steve Carell, radio show, Dark Air, murder, AM, FM, Domsten Blobs, Donkey Lady, San Antonio, Texas, Rob Morphy, Cryptopia Comment
Ep 198: An Astonishing All-Star Holiday Special! ConversationsForrest BurgessDecember 20, 2020198, Jim Harold, Richard Hatem, Rich Hatem, Rob Kristoffersen, Paranormal Podcast, Campfire, 2020 Comments
Ep 197: Mrs. Hingley and the Mince Pie Aliens plus Listener Stories Haunted, Conversations, Creatures & Beings, UFOs & Aliens, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest BurgessDecember 13, 2020197, Hingely, Mincemeat, Mince Meat, Martians, Aliens, Suicide, Ideation, accident, pets, dog, cat, bird, Covid, Covid-19, Covid 19, Coronavirus, England, Rowley Regis, Midlands, Flying Saucer Review Comment
Ep 195: The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts Part 2 Conversations, Haunted, Notable Figures, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest BurgessNovember 21, 2020The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts, Ghosts, Medium, Channeling, spirits, Toronto, investigative, journalist, Past Lives, Soulmate, Suicide, Spirit Guides, angels, demons, trickster, Akashic Record, seance, 194, 195, 2020, reincarnation Comments
Ep 194: The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts Part 1 Conversations, Haunted, Notable Figures, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest BurgessNovember 14, 2020The Siren Call of Hungry Ghosts, Ghosts, Medium, Channeling, spirits, Toronto, investigative, journalist, Past Lives, Soulmate, Suicide, Spirit Guides, angels, demons, trickster, Akashic Record, seance, 194, 2020, reincarnation Comments
Ep 193: Strange Intruders with David Weatherly Part 2 Haunted, Creatures & Beings, UFOs & Aliens, Conversations, Folklore & Legend, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest BurgessNovember 8, 2020Djinn, genie, Pukwudgie, Shadow People, Fae, aliens, ultrasterrestrials, Extraterrestrial, Black Eyed Kids, Black-eyed Kids, Black Eyed People, Reptilians, Reptoids, Grinning Man, Slenderman, demon, Leprechaun, Jin, crocodile, 193, 2020Comment
Ep 192: Strange Intruders with David Weatherly Part 1 Haunted, Creatures & Beings, UFOs & Aliens, Conversations, Folklore & Legend, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest BurgessOctober 24, 2020Djinn, genie, Pukwudgie, Shadow People, Fae, aliens, ultrasterrestrials, Extraterrestrial, Black Eyed Kids, Black-eyed Kids, Black Eyed People, Reptilians, Reptoids, Grinning Man, Slenderman, demon, Leprechaun, Jin, crocodile, 192, 2020 Comments
Ep 191: Ouija Stories Conversations, Haunted, Folklore & LegendForrest BurgessOctober 18, 2020Ouija, Fuld, planchette, Parker Brothers, Spiritualism, Spiritualist Movement, Fox Sisters, Hasbro, seance, Elijah Bond, Charles Kennard, Kennard Novelty Company, automatic writing, 190, 191, 2020 Comments
Ep 190: Ouija Conversations, Haunted, Folklore & LegendForrest BurgessOctober 11, 2020Ouija, Fuld, planchette, Parker Brothers, Spiritualism, Spiritualist Movement, Fox Sisters, Hasbro, seance, Elijah Bond, Charles Kennard, Kennard Novelty Company, automatic writing, 190, 2020 Comments
Ep 187: Alien Autopsy? Part 2 Part 2 of our interview with 1995’s Alien Autopsy film hoax creator, Spyros Melaris. Read More UFOs & Aliens, Conversations, Folklore & Legend, True CrimeForrest BurgessSeptember 6, 2020Alien Autopsy, Ray Santilli, Greg Shoefield, Spyros Melaris, John Humphries, Philip Mantle, Roswell, 1947, New Mexico, Alien, Area 51, Jesse Marcel, Extraterrestrial, hoax, film, Jonathan Frakes, FOX, 1995, London, England, Magician, magic, crash, Walter Haut, Jesse Marcel Jr, fake, coverup, Army, Roswell Army Airfield, John Humphreys, Dungeons and Dragons, William Dear, Ant Dec, 2020, 187Comment
Ep 186: Alien Autopsy? Part 1 UFOs & Aliens, Conversations, Folklore & Legend, True CrimeForrest BurgessAugust 23, 2020Alien Autopsy, Ray Santilli, Greg Shoefield, Spyros Melaris, John Humphries, Philip Mantle, Roswell, 1947, New Mexico, Alien, Area 51, Jesse Marcel, Extraterrestrial, hoax, film, Jonathan Frakes, FOX, 1995, London, England, Magician, magic, crash, Walter Haut, Jesse Marcel Jr, fake, coverup, Army, Roswell Army Airfield, John Humphreys, 2020, 186Comment
Ep 185: Correlation of Strangeness with Stan Gordon Conversations, UFOs & Aliens, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest BurgessAugust 15, 2020Kecksburg, Kecksberg, Pennsylvania, UFO, Air Force, crash, acorn, Fire Department, Army, NASA, Kosmos 96, General Electric Mark 2, Soviet, meteor, bolide, space probe, Wright Patterson AFB, Pittsburg, Crash, Stan Gordon, Ron Struble, Kecksburg Volunteer Fire Department, High Strangeness, Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Orbs, Chestnut Ridge, Skinwalker Ranch, Black Shuck, Werewolf, Dog Men, Small Town Monsters, 2020, 184, 185 Comments