Posts in Unexplainable Phenomena
Ep 164: The Edgar Cayce Story Part 1
Ep 159: James Dean & Little Bastard – Collision Course Part 2
Ep 158: James Dean & Little Bastard – Collision Course Part 1
Ep 157: The Ax Murder House in Villisca Part 2
Ep 156: The Ax Murder House in Villisca Part 1
Ep 155: Abduction at Devil's Den
Ep 152: The Voynich Manuscript Part 2
Ep 151: The Voynich Manuscript Part 1
Ep 149: Dan, Susan, Micah Hanks, and Missing Time
Ep 146: Lyle Blackburn – Cryptid Hunter
Ep 138: Loftus Hall Part 2
Ep 137: Loftus Hall Part 1
Ep 136: Dyatlov Update #1
Ep 135: Sarah and the Spider Woman
Conversations, Haunted, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest BurgessGraves Disease, Hallucination, Spider Woman, autoimmune disease, hyperthyroidism, toxic diffuse goiter, enlarged thyroid, pretibial myxedema, Graves', ophthalmopathy, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, antibody, thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin (TSI), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), thyroid gland, thyroid hormone, radioiodine, hypothyroidism, thyroid, synthetic thyroid hormone, methimazole, beta blockers, Robert Graves, goiter, Graves' ophthalmopathy, hyperactivity, tremor, arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation, premature ventricular contractions, hypertension, viral, bacterial, infection, mania, anxiety, agitation, depression, antigenic mimicry, thyrotropin receptor, follicular cells, Exophthalmos, periorbital edema, thyrotoxicosis, Tremulousness, thyroid adenoma, toxic multinodular goiter, ultrasound, propranolol, carbimazole, propylthiouracil, aplastic anemia, TSHr antibody, thyroidectomy, pregnancy, placenta, Parry's disease, Begbie's disease, Flajani's disease, Flajani–Basedow syndrome, Marsh's disease, Sayyid Ismail al-Jurjani, Missy Elliott, Sia Furler, Gail Devers, George H.W. Bush, Marty Feldman, Heino, Rodney Dangerfield, Jim Hamilton, Maggie Smith, Wendy Williams, Barbara Leigh, Sir Cecil Spring Rice, Lord Monckton, methylprednisolone, glucocorticoids, orbitopathy, carcinoma, recurrent laryngeal nerve, levothyroxine, cancer, hematoma, Thyroidectomy, Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, Thyroid Storm, 2019 Comments
Ep 134: Gremlins
Ep 133: The Betz Sphere Part 4
Bonus: Earhart's Plane? Update with Bill Snavely
Ep 132: The Betz Sphere Part 3
Ep 131: The Betz Sphere Part 2