Posts in Unexplainable Phenomena
Ep 230: Charles Hoy Fort – Our Supernatural Father Part 1
Ep 227: Boundless Remote Viewing with Lori Williams Part 2
Conversations, Unexplainable Phenomena, True CrimeForrest BurgessRemote Viewing, Lori Williams, Controlled Remote Viewing, Stanford Research Institute, Russell Targ, Hal Puthoff, Harold E. Puthoff, Project Stargate, Lyn Buchanan, Men Who Stare at Goats, Third Eye Spies, Soviet spy, Joseph McMoneagle, psychic, spies, Boundless, Lori Lambert Williams, True Crime, Russian, CIA, DIA, NSA, NASA, Defense Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, Mars
Ep 226: Boundless Remote Viewing with Lori Williams Part 1
Conversations, Unexplainable Phenomena, True CrimeForrest BurgessRemote Viewing, Lori Williams, Controlled Remote Viewing, Stanford Research Institute, Russell Targ, Hal Puthoff, Harold E. Puthoff, Project Stargate, Lyn Buchanan, Men Who Stare at Goats, Third Eye Spies, Soviet spy, Joseph McMoneagle, psychic, spies, Boundless, Lori Lambert Williams, True Crime, Russian, CIA, DIA, NSA, NASA, Defense Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, Mars
Ep 225: Skinwalkers at the Pentagon
Conversations, Creatures & Beings, Cryptids, Landmarks Objects & Structures, UFOs & Aliens, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest Burgess225, 2022, George Knapp, Colm Kelleher, Skinwalker Ranch, Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, Harry Reid, UFO, UAP, Pentagon, Luis Elizondo, TTSA, AATIP, AAWSAP, BAASS, USAF, HIPAA, MUFON, NIDS, UAPTF, USO, Jacques Vallee, Jeremy Corbell, Tic Tac, David Fravor, Area 51, Department of Defense, AASWAP, Skinwalker, Brandon Fugal, Terry Sherman, Travis Taylor, To the Stars Academy, Tom Delonge, Blink-182, Shadow People, poltergeist, cryptid
Ep 223: Devil's Den – The Reckoning Part 2
Unexplainable Phenomena, Conversations, Creatures & Beings, UFOs & AliensForrest BurgessTerry Lovelace, Devil's Den, State Park, UFO, Alien, abduction, abductee, 222, 2021, 155, Incident at Devil's Den, Devil's Den The Reckoning, triangle, USAF, AFOSI, Whiteman AFB, hybrid, Human Hybrid, Dark side of the moon, praying mantis, grays, missing time, implant, Chris Jericho, Fozzy
Ep 222: Devil's Den – The Reckoning Part 1
Unexplainable Phenomena, Conversations, Creatures & Beings, Landmarks Objects & Structures, UFOs & AliensForrest BurgessTerry Lovelace, Devil's Den, State Park, UFO, Alien, abduction, abductee, 222, 2021, 155, Incident at Devil's Den, Devil's Den The Reckoning, triangle, USAF, AFOSI, Whiteman AFB, hybrid, Human Hybrid, Dark side of the moon, praying mantis, grays, missing time, implant, Chris Jericho, Fozzy
Ep 221: The True Story Behind the Exorcist Part 3
Unexplainable Phenomena, HauntedForrest Burgessghost, poltergeist, 219, 2021, The Exorcist, William Peter Blatty, William Friedkin, Exorcist's Diary, Roland Doe, Robbie Mannheim, Ronnie Hunkeler, Washington D.C., St. Louis, Missouri, possession, demonic, Devil, Satan, Jesuit, Catholic, Church, Rituale Romanum, Cottage City, Maryland, exorcism, Steven LaChance, Confrontation with Evil, Raymond J. Bishop, Exorcist, Halloween, 220, Jesuits, Catholic Church, Evil, Demon, Bel Nor, Roanoke Drive, 221, Dave Glover Show, KMOX, Talk Radio, 1120 AM, 98.7 FM
Ep 220: The True Story Behind the Exorcist Part 2
Unexplainable Phenomena, HauntedForrest Burgessghost, poltergeist, 219, 2021, The Exorcist, William Peter Blatty, William Friedkin, Exorcist's Diary, Roland Doe, Robbie Mannheim, Ronnie Hunkeler, Washington D.C., St. Louis, Missouri, possession, demonic, Devil, Satan, Jesuit, Catholic, Church, Rituale Romanum, Cottage City, Maryland, exorcism, Steven LaChance, Confrontation with Evil, Raymond J. Bishop, Exorcist, Halloween, 220, Jesuits, Catholic Church, Evil, Demon, Bel Nor, Roanoke Drive
Ep 219: The True Story Behind the Exorcist Part 1
Unexplainable Phenomena, HauntedForrest Burgessghost, poltergeist, 219, 2021, The Exorcist, William Peter Blatty, William Friedkin, Exorcist's Diary, Roland Doe, Robbie Mannheim, Ronnie Hunkeler, Washington D.C., St. Louis, Missouri, possession, demonic, Devil, Satan, Jesuit, Catholic, Church, Rituale Romanum, Cottage City, Maryland, exorcism, Steven LaChance, Confrontation with Evil, Raymond J. Bishop
Ep 218: The Vertical Plane Part 2
Conversations, Creatures & Beings, Haunted, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest Burgess217, 2021, Vertical Plane, Ken Webster, Dodleston, Chester, Cheshire, England, Wales, Henry VIII, Catherine Parr, Liverpool, Grafton Books, ghost, poltergeist, Time Travel, portal, parallel universe, alternate timeline, bootstrap paradox, time paradox, 2109, BBC computer, microcomputer, word processor, Meadow Cottage, Lukas, Thomas, Renaissance, time traveler, River Dee, Loki, TVA, Time Variance Authority, Tom Hiddleston, Owen Wilson, guacamole, Marvel, Thor, 218
Ep 217: The Vertical Plane Part 1
Conversations, Creatures & Beings, Haunted, Landmarks Objects & Structures, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest Burgess217, 2021, Vertical Plane, Ken Webster, Dodleston, Chester, Cheshire, England, Wales, Henry VIII, Catherine Parr, Liverpool, Grafton Books, ghost, poltergeist, Time Travel, portal, parallel universe, alternate timeline, bootstrap paradox, time paradox, 2109, BBC computer, microcomputer, word processor, Meadow Cottage, Lukas, Thomas, Renaissance, time traveler, River Dee, Loki, TVA, Time Variance Authority, Tom Hiddleston, Owen Wilson, guacamole, Marvel, Thor
Ep 216: The Watseka Wonder Part 2
Haunted, Notable Figures, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest Burgess215, 2021, Mary Lurancy Vennum, Mary Roth, E. Winchester Stevens, Watseka Wonder, Watseka, Illinois, spirit possession, 1877, Asa Roff, Mary Roff, mediumship, Spiritism, Spiritualism, Spiritist, epilepsy, seizure, cataleptic, catalepsy, possession, Chicago, past life, Past Lives, Ouija, seance, ghost, spirit infestation, 216, Frederic W.H. Myers, William James, Richard Hodgson, Leonora Piper, Surviving Death, Boris Sidis, ouija
Ep 215: The Watseka Wonder Part 1
Haunted, Notable Figures, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest Burgess215, 2021, Mary Lurancy Vennum, Mary Roth, E. Winchester Stevens, Watseka Wonder, Watseka, Illinois, spirit possession, 1877, Asa Roff, Mary Roff, mediumship, Spiritism, Spiritualism, Spiritist, epilepsy, seizure, cataleptic, catalepsy, possession, Chicago, past life, Past Lives, Ouija, seance, ghost, spirit infestation
Ep 214: Disclosure with Jeremy Corbell
Conversations, Creatures & Beings, UFOs & Aliens, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest BurgessJeremy Corbell, Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell, Tic Tac, UFO, UAP, David Fravor, Skinwalker Ranch, cattle mutilation, Texas, Navy, pyramid, disclosure, Luis Elizondo, AATIP, Robert Bigelow, Bigelow Aerospace, NIDS, BASS, George Knapp, Colm Kelleher, Hunt for the Skinwalker, Bob Lazar, Area 51, Element 115, aliens, Brandon Fugal, New York Times, Christopher Mellon
Ep 212: Sasquatch: The Search for Manlike Monsters in History
Cryptids, Conversations, Creatures & Beings, Folklore & Legend, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest BurgessSasquatch, Bigfoot, Denisovan, Penghu, Homo floresiensis, Native American, Gigantopithecus, Woodland Ape, Chehalis, Yeti, Sanderson, China, Micah Hanks, Yetis, ancient history, oral history, oral tradition, Himalaya, 2021, 212
Ep 211: The True Story Behind "The Conjuring" Part 2
Haunted, Conversations, Folklore & Legend, Landmarks Objects & Structures, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest Burgess210, The Conjuring, Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Perron, Andrea Perron, Roger, Carolyn, Haunting, The Farm on Round Top Road, Harrisville, Rhode Island, 1677 Round Top Rd, Burrillville, RI 02830, Massachusetts, The Old Brook Farm, Round Top, Glendale, haunted, haunting, spirit, ghosts, movie, The Conjuring 2, James Wan, Demon, demonic, Bathsheba, Arnold, farm, Heinzen, Madison, 211, Kenny Biddle, Pants, PIRO, 2021
Ep 210: The True Story Behind "The Conjuring" Part 1
Haunted, Conversations, Folklore & Legend, Landmarks Objects & Structures, Unexplainable PhenomenaForrest Burgess210, The Conjuring, Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Perron, Andrea Perron, Roger, Carolyn, Haunting, The Farm on Round Top Road, Harrisville, Rhode Island, 1677 Round Top Rd, Burrillville, RI 02830, Massachusetts, The Old Brook Farm, Round Top, Glendale, haunted, haunting, spirit, ghosts, movie, The Conjuring 2, James Wan, Demon, demonic, Bathsheba, Arnold, farm, Heinzen, Madison
Ep 208: Crop Circles Part 3
UFOs & Aliens, Unexplainable Phenomena, Landmarks Objects & StructuresForrest BurgessCrop Circles, Corn Circles, Colin Andrews, Stephen Spignesi, Terence Meaden, Pat Delgado, Stonehenge, Wiltshire, Busty Taylor, Doug Bower, Dave Chorley, Hampshire, Avebury, Silbury, hoax, hoaxer, Circular Evidence, Signs of Contact, Signs, Surry, Levengood, Sacred Geometry, Golden Mean, fractal, Nancy Talbott, England, Britain, British, Julia Set, Salisbury Plain, Amesbury, London, Exeter, 208
Ep 207: Crop Circles Part 2
UFOs & Aliens, Unexplainable Phenomena, Landmarks Objects & StructuresForrest BurgessCrop Circles, Corn Circles, Colin Andrews, Stephen Spignesi, Terence Meaden, Pat Delgado, Stonehenge, Wiltshire, Busty Taylor, Doug Bower, Dave Chorley, Hampshire, Avebury, Silbury, hoax, hoaxer, Circular Evidence, Signs of Contact, Signs, Surry, Levengood, Sacred Geometry, Golden Mean, fractal, Nancy Talbott, England, Britain, British, Julia Set, Salisbury Plain, Amesbury, London, Exeter, 207
Ep 206: Crop Circles Part 1
UFOs & Aliens, Unexplainable Phenomena, Landmarks Objects & StructuresForrest BurgessCrop Circles, Corn Circles, Colin Andrews, Stephen Spignesi, Terence Meaden, Pat Delgado, Stonehenge, Wiltshire, Busty Taylor, Doug Bower, Dave Chorley, Hampshire, Avebury, Silbury, hoax, hoaxer, Circular Evidence, Signs of Contact, Signs, Surry, Levengood, Sacred Geometry, Golden Mean, fractal, Nancy Talbott, England, Britain, British, Julia Set, Salisbury Plain, Amesbury, London, Exeter