Hoia Baciu Forest

There is something about the woods that both beckons and repels humanity. There are thousands of stories, superstitions, and creatures that are said to lurk beyond humanity’s grasp of the world. One of the world’s strangest and darkest forests is said to lie on the edges of Cluj-Napoca in Romania. It’s name is Hoia-Baciu.

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The forest itself isn't the largest, it's about 729 acres (for comparison, the pine barrens are 2,000 miles) but it's one that comes up again and again when you ask folks about haunted forests. It is an old forest, in fact the oldest Neolithic settlement in Romania was discovered within its bounds.

So, how did it get its reputation as one of the biggest paranormal hotspots in the world?

Well, the name itself is derived from an unexplained mystery. Hoia-Baciu was named after a sheperd who, with his 200 strong herd, disappeared into the woods one day. They just vanished. So, from the very time it was named and designated it has been a place of mystery.

Reports of what has happened in Hoia-Baciu are varied -- from hauntings to UFOs to demonic energy to cryptid sightings. It seems Hoia-Baciu has them all. People often report feeling anxious and uncomfortable in the woods and sometimes report negative physical symptoms, like migraines and rashes, after spending time in the forest. 

But I think one of the reasons that Hoia-Baciu has such a strange reputation is how odd the vegetation looks. The trees in many spots don't grow straught up from the ground but instead bend, and in some cases twist. Almost all of the trees with this are turned in a clockwise direction. Scientists have explored the strange tree growth, but found no abnormalites and no explanation as to why some of the trees grow in these strange shapes. 

There is also, in the middle of the forest, a perfectly round clear spot nicknamed the dead zone. It appears to be naturally occuring and no trees or other vegeation, except for grass and small plants, seem to inhabit it. Scientists have done soil tests to see if there was a reason. But no abnormalities were found. Some people believe this to be a “door” to another dimension where strange beings emanate from.

One of the most popular stories, although I couldn't find much in the ways of reports or truth, is the story of a little girl around 5 years old who went into the forest and disappeared. She was searched for by her family, the authorities, and the community but she wasn't found. But, five years later she walked out and went back home. Some people even claim she was wearing the same (or similar) clothes that she had on when she wa smissing. They also said she had no memory of the time. One thing they don't comment on is, if after these 5 years had passed if she was now a 10-year old or if she was still 5, as if it time had stopped. Of course, as I mentioned, I couldn't find any indivdual proof in newspapers for this (but I also only speak english so there is a chance google translate and my own research skills let me down).

In August 1968, a group of four friends went out for a walk in the Hoia-Baciu forest. It was 45-year old Emil Barnea, his 34-year old friemd Zamfira Mattea, and two other unnamed friends who either wished to remain unknown or whose names have been lost to time. The four of them decided to head to the dead zone, have a pinic, and enjoy the summer weather. They needed some more firewood, so Emil headed deeper into the forest. He said it was about 1:30 and he noticed some unnatural silence wile he was collecting wood. Then, as he walked back to the clearing he looked up and noticed something unexplainable in the sky. It was a round mental vehcile, glinting in the sunlight. It rose higher and higher in complete silence. The main hurried to grab a camera and take a shot. In his photo is a small object vanishing into the clouds. He said it lated about two minutes and only two photos were captured. He shared them with Ufologists and it even appeared in newspapers a month later in September. 

Although there are rumors that locals know to avoid the woods, especially at night, the parks department of Romania has invested in its development. There are bike paths, archery, and other outdoor sports opportunity. So, if you wish to see the strangeness for yourself…it’s possible.

Thanks to @odonelis for this blogstonishing suggestion!

The above image shows Hoia-Baciu forest, entitled Cluj-Napoca, Noiembrie 2012 taken by Padurea Hoia. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.