Why Sentient Machines Might be Disappointing

Despite countless movies, books, and even scientific studies...digital computers may forever be incapable of supporting human-like consciousness. link

It is well known that public expressions of the concern over the possible apocalyptic scenarios prompted by sentient machines are nothing new. But those worry-warts may not have anything to worry about. Consciousness is believed by many to be a biological phenomenon. Though, like a computer, neurons communicate with one another in a binary fashion by exchanging electrical signs but, unlike a computer, brains contain a host of analogue cellular, molecular, biochemical, and electrostatic processes, forces, and reactions.

However, there are still those who disagree with the idea of further pursuing sentient A.I. The big guns who are afraid aren't anyone to laugh at, either. The ranks include Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, and even Bill Gates who believe that further research will yield self-aware A.Is all too eager to kill us.

Intentional behavior from A.I will, undoubtedly, require a mind. Intentionality stems from authentic beliefs, desires, motivations, and experience. A.I that includes these features are often known as 'Strong Artificial Intelligence' - an A.I that includes a full range of human cognitive abilities. On the other side of the spectrum, there is 'Weak Artificial Intelligence' which contains 'non-sentient' A.I. which run on digital computer programs and have no mind, subjective awareness, or even agency. Weak A.I. may seems to experience the world as we do, and they may even display intelligent behavior...but it is limited due to a lack of a mind and, thus, consciousness.

All current A.I. are Weak A.I.

The question is...can that change?

This picture is from Flickr User Dick Thomas Johnson and is licensed under Creative Commons.