Ep 45: Skinwalker Ranch Part 1
Photo Gallery:

1) Original artwork by resident Astonishing Legends illustrator Chad Lewis. Check out Chad’s website where he demonstrates his process for completing the piece: http://www.chadlewisart.com/ This scene represents the story told by ranch co-owner Gwen Sherman, where she claims to have seen a massive wolf-like beast right outside her car window, and for scale, the creature’s shoulder was level with the roof of the vehicle. ©2016 Chad Lewis. 2) Aerial map of the Shermans’ cattle ranch property, nicknamed “Skinwalker Ranch,” showing the location of buildings and landmarks. 3) The following two sketches were used in Ryan Skinner’s book, Skinwalker Ranch – NO TRESPASSING. In the first, Skinner points out that the Native American tribal member who has chosen the malevolent path of becoming a Skinwalker wears the pelt of the animal he wishes to assimilate. He does this in order to not only help take on the physical and spiritual attributes of the animal but also to help conceal his identity from other tribal members who would then cast him out or seek his destruction if identified. Notice the partial transformation in the lengthening of the feet and the fingernails into claws. Aside from a few canine morphings, he remains more human than animal. 4) In this sketch, which Skinner claims to be Navajo in origin, it appears the transformation is more complete and that the pelt has sparked more of an integration into this new wolf-like creature. However, it also seems to suggest that this new “cryptid” is somewhat deformed, straddling the physical natures of the two mammals. This abnormal transmogrification also supports the claims by witnesses that these creatures move strangely, albeit often with unimaginable speed, but with an awkward gait unnatural to both man and animal. 5) Photo of former cattle ranch owner and subsequent ranch caretaker, Terry Sherman, sometimes identified with the pseudonym “Tom Gorman” in previous efforts to conceal the family’s identity.
Where do you go for your One-stop Shopping for the supernatural? Why the “Skinwalker Ranch” in northeastern Utah of course! It’s got it all, including, but not limited to: Skinwalkers (naturally), UFOs, powerful poltergeists, deadly orbs, cryptids, cattle mutilation, interdimensional portals, disembodied voices, shadow beings and other assorted aliens, reptilian creatures, and hybrid wolf beasts, to name just a few. And all this for the low, low price of your grip on reality. It was a cost that would nearly be paid in full by the Sherman family, who owned the ranch for what must have seemed like an interminable two years, from 1994 to 1996. It was during this time that the Shermans not only lost 14 head of cattle and all of their pets but also their sleep and their understanding of the impossible. Join us for a trip to one of the most paranormal places on earth, won’t you?
Tonight’s Quote:
“We have to leave this place. We have to leave this place.”
— Gwen Sherman, co-owner with husband Terry, of what became known as “Skinwalker Ranch.”
Show Links:
We’ve found that some sites are not showing these links as clickable unless they are URLs, so until those outlets improve their show notes section, we are providing actual URLs next to the clickable description of each link to make things easier for our listeners!
- Hunt for the Skinwalker by Colm Kelleher and George Knapp https://amzn.com/B000FCKKXU
- Skinwalker Ranch by Ryan Skinner and D.L. Wallace https://amzn.com/B00KBDFYKW
- Why Do UFOs Love This Utah Ranch So Much? Brief overview from The Daily Beast http://thebea.st/1JDtjBt
- Comprehensive overview of Skinwalker Ranch from Altered Dimensions website http://bit.ly/1FnfiES
- Communion: A True Story by Whitley Strieber https://amzn.com/0061474185
- Is A Utah Ranch The Strangest Place On Earth? Part 1 of 2 from an article by George Knapp http://bit.ly/2bTkwl8
- Is A Utah Ranch The Strangest Place On Earth? Part 2 of 2 from an article by George Knapp http://bit.ly/2cgqwny
- Navajo Skinwalker legend http://bit.ly/2bL2L4l
- Skinwalker Ranch on Wiki http://bit.ly/2c2q3Vf
- 13 Stories of Encounters with Navajo Skinwalkers http://tcat.tc/2bKYvl8
- Skinwalker Ranch: Apocalypse Close Encounters – a documentary by Marc Coppell http://bit.ly/2bSrceY
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The Dark Myths Collective
Episode 045 – “Skinwalker Ranch (Part 1)” Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Edited by Sarah Vorhees, Ryan McCullough Sound Design; Research Assistance by Tess Pfeifle and the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a,k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or “A.R.C.” for short. Copyright Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess 2016. All Rights Reserved.