Ep 49: Monsters Among Us
Photo Gallery:

1 & 2) Linda Godfrey (from her website lindagodfrey.com 3) A shot of something strange on Bray Road 4) Zeus turning Lycaon into a wolf, engraving by Hendrik Goltzius.5) The Beast of Bray Road for President FROM 1992. Courtesy of Linda Godfrey 6) Anubis attending the mummy of the deceased. (P.D>) 7) Statue of Hermanubis, a hybrid of Anubis and the Greek God Hermes (Vatican Museums) User:Colin / Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 3.0 8) A crouching or “recumbent” statue of Anubis as a black-coated wolf (from the Tomb of Tutankhamun) by Jon Bodsworth 9) A bronze statuette of the anthropomorphic god Anubis facing a kneeling worshiper. He has the head of a jackal and the body of a human male.(P.D.)
In tonight’s episode, Scott interviews journalist, author, and Paranormal Investigator Linda S. Godfrey. We discuss her latest book, Monsters Among Us: An exploration of otherworldly Bigfoots, Wolfmen, Portals, Phantoms, and Odd Phenomena. Linda has appeared on numerous TV shows such The History Channel’s Monster Quest, Inside Edition, Sean Hannity and of course as a guest on the Coast to Coast AM radio program. She is the author of over a dozen books, such as Real Wolfmen: True Encounters in Modern America, American Monsters: A History of Monster Lore, Legends and Sightings in America, and Weird Michigan. If after considering all of the encounters Linda has researched and all of the witnesses she’s interviewed, you conclude that monsters are indeed among us, you must also come to terms with the idea that they’re everywhere, and it might just be a matter of time until you see one yourself.
Tonight’s Quote:
“The beast grabbed my ankle tightly, but I managed to slip away from his fingers that were turning into longer, more strong nails or paws of some sort.”
—Linda S. Godfrey sharing the story of “The Torrance Werewolf” from her book, Monsters Among Us
Show Links:
We’ve found that some sites are not showing these links as clickable unless they are URLs, so until those outlets improve their show notes section, we are providing actual URLs next to the clickable description of each link to make things easier for our listeners!
- Linda S. Godfrey’s website & blog https://lindagodfrey.com/
- Pre-order Linda’s book, “Monsters Among Us” from the publisher, Penguin Random House http://bit.ly/2duil6I
- Pre-order Linda’s book on Amazon http://amzn.to/2dzg60o
- Pre-order Linda’s book at Barnes & Noble http://bit.ly/2dNaRhl
- The Beast of Bray Road http://bit.ly/2e4baDy
- Tracking the Tulpa – Exploring the “Tibetan” Origins of a Contemporary Paranormal Idea http://bit.ly/2dtK6ih
- Native American Water Mythology http://bit.ly/2dwIv7y
- Linda featured on a segment of Sean Hannity’s show http://bit.ly/2d4IM25
- “The Legend of Michigan’s Dogman” website http://bit.ly/2dN0QRe
- “The Michigan Dogman: Evidence 2008” from YouTube http://bit.ly/2dLZQYn
- Anubis on Wikipedia http://bit.ly/1lMIoXb
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The Dark Myths Collective
Episode 049 – “Monsters Among Us” Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Edited by Sarah Vorhees, Ryan McCullough Sound Design; Research Assistance by Tess Pfeifle and the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a,k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or “A.R.C.” for short. Copyright 2016 Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess. All Rights Reserved.