Ep 48: Choose Your Own Adventure
Photo Gallery:

1) David Sullivan and his wife Denise (the original Sully & Denise) 2) An original ad for 343 East 74th St where they lived during the 2nd story he tells. 3) Exterior Picture of ‘The Forum’ at 343 East 74th 4) Streetview of the Lobby of 343 East 74th, where the window fell. 5) An Etching of the Convalescent Hospital on Hart Island, 1877 (PD) 6) Aerial View of Hart and City Island 7) Hart Island Sign 8) Vintage Aerial View (PD) 8-12) Archive Photos of Activity on Hart Island (PD) 13 & 14) Recent pictures by Flickr User Adam Moss (CC by 2.0) 15) Recent picture by Flickr User David Trawin (CC by 2.0) 16) Another picture of Coffins going into a trench (PD) 17) Sully & Denise from SNL 18) Old Yeller!
Tonight we are joined by an old friend of Scott’s, David Sullivan, or Sully to his friends. Sully has had some interesting things happen in his life, especially when heard through the filter of Astonishing Legends. He relays a few stories that start out pretty light and get progressively darker and darker as the show continues, and by darker we mean real dark. So if you’re in the mood for an episode that evokes images of rabies, fate, the forgotten dead and sociopathic behavior, tonight’s episode is just for you.
Tonight’s Quote:
“A scarecrow is just a hoodlum who marked the cards that he dealed, and pulled a gypsy switch out on the edge of Potter’s field.
—Tom Waits, Potter’s Field 1977
Show Links:
We’ve found that some sites are not showing these links as clickable unless they are URLs, so until those outlets improve their show notes section, we are providing clickable URLs of each link to make things easier for our listeners!
- http://bit.do/cdcrabies
- http://bit.do/Bat-Facts
- http://bit.do/rabieswikipedia
- http://bit.do/milwaukeeprotocol
- http://bit.do/jeannaswebsite
- http://bit.do/jeannageise
- http://bit.do/radiolab_rodneyvsdeath
- http://bit.do/Fatality-Rates-On-Ebola-
- http://bit.do/nightwingmovie
- http://bit.do/cujo_movie
- http://bit.do/toxoplasmosis
- http://bit.do/FrighteningRabiesVideo
- http://bit.do/BatSounds
- http://bit.do/BatSoundLibrary
- http://bit.do/SullysFormerApartment
- http://bit.do/WikiOnSullysOldCondop
- http://bit.do/story-of-John-Howland
- http://bit.do/ganache
- http://bit.do/Make-Ganache
- http://bit.do/BikePath-DUI
- http://bit.do/DavidWarner
- http://bit.do/The-Omen
- http://bit.do/wikipedia-HartIsland
- http://bit.do/Hart-Island-Project
- http://bit.do/Amazing-NYTimesArticle-HartIsland
- http://bit.do/Preston-Child-Visit-Hart-Island
- http://bit.do/10Things-Typhoid-Mary
- http://bit.do/TyphoidMary
- http://bit.do/Hart-Island-Old-Newspiece
- http://bit.do/DesecrationPenalCode
- http://bit.do/AmazingHartIslandPicts
- http://bit.do/1975NYTimes-Article
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The Dark Myths Collective
Episode 048 – “Choose Your Own Adventure” Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Edited by Sarah Vorhees, Ryan McCullough Sound Design, Research Assistance by Tess Pfeifle and the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a,k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or “ARC.” for short. Copyright Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess 2016. All Rights Reserved.