Ep 114: Strange Tales from Wales & UFO School Daze


“The thoughts came from the man.  From the man’s eyes.”

– Elsa, a student at The Ariel School in Zimbabwe describing a close encounter with an alien that 62 people witnessed in 1994.



Ripperston,  St Bride's BayWales site of Ripperstone Farm where the Coombs family experienced their own version of Skinwalker Ranch style encounters.



So many popular culture misconceptions abound with stories of UFO sightings; that it's always some farmer, alone in his fields when an unidentified flying object appears.  The "hayseed farmer" is an easy target to dismiss with ridicule and hubris.  Sure, sometimes it is a farm, as it was in 1977 at the Coombs family farm in southern Wales, but it is far from the norm.  And it wasn't a singular farmer who witnessed a UFO then, prominent townsfolk and a group of schoolchildren also saw bizarre craft and phenomena during a series of events that would become known as the Broad Haven incident.  The Coombs family would also go on to experience High Strangeness that would rival the happenings at Skinwalker Ranch.  If you still think that remote farms are still the most likely places for such incredible tales to emerge, you might be surprised that schoolyards also seem to be just as common for alien interactions, with notable cases happening all over the world, in countries like Australia, Zimbabwe, and Russia.  Decades later, questions about these cases emerge: Were the goings on in Broadhaven, this "Flap," connected to the incident at Berwyn Mountain, three years prior?  Does a "Welsh Triangle" exist?  Why do otherworldly visitors want to communicate with our children?  Is it because they are more likely to learn lessons we adults are too proud or stubborn to heed?  Join us tonight as we examine these cases with a friend and fellow podcaster, Rob Kristofferson, host of Our Strange Skies, as we go in search of answers to these fascinating questions.


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Countless attempts have been made throughout history to solve unexplained mysteries. Believers of the weird and wonderful have always reached for their go-to weapon – belief. Skeptics have tried time and again to use science to disprove mystery. Running to hide and cry behind things like evidence and knowledge.

However, paranormal legends have repeatedly punched science squarely in the fact gland before giggling and running off to continue to remain unexplained.

'The Unexplainers' is a new paranormal investigation team. Two agents of intrigue who form the perfect combination of skeptical former P.E. teacher Mike Bubbins and once chart-topping comedy rap artist, and self-proclaimed anti-skeptic John Rutledge.

Together, they charge themselves with one mission - to thoroughly unexplain the unexplainable. Their quest is simple, chance of success unlikely, their dedication to the cause questionable.  But one thing, however, is clear - if there is anything out there that is unexplained, they will definitely find, or not find, any or some of answers. Possibly.


Related Books:

Cosmic Crashes
By Nicholas Redfern
Buy on Amazon
Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings
By Dr J. Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, Bob Pratt
Buy on Amazon

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The Dark Myths Collective  




Episode 114: Strange Tales from Wales and UFO School Daze.  Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel; Ryan McCullough Sound Design; Research Assistance by Tess Pfeifle and the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a.k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2018 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.