Ep 115: David Davies – Witness to Broad Haven
Scott: "With all those decades of research is there anything that you felt like aligned with what you saw more than any other particular hypothesis?"
Dave: "No, absolutely nothing."
– From our interview with eye-witness to the Broad Haven UFO Incident, Dave Davies

The Broad Haven Primary School, in Broad Haven, Pembrokeshire, Wales, where eye-witness David Davies and a group of fellow classmates spotted a UFO landing nearby on the playground in 1977.
Anyone who has experienced what is considered a paranormal event will tell you that it's not easy to tell others about what you had witnessed, especially if that experience was dramatic and significant. Testimony about such things is often met with ridicule, scorn and sometimes violence by those who feel threatened by such challenges to their reality. Therefore it takes no small amount of courage and resolution to tell your truth and stick to it. Such are the qualities that we believe make up the mettle of tonight's guest, David "Dave" Davies. Davies has had to endure bullying and beatings since he first described what he witnessed for himself and what his classmates had seen landing on the playground of the Broad Haven Primary School in Pembrokeshire, Wales in 1977. For the 40 years since that close encounter, Davies has stood by his story with conviction and without embellishment or wavering, still ever willing to talk about his experience. In fact, the sighting had made such an impact on him that he's spent the intervening years in a quest to find an explanation for what he'd seen. Join us tonight as we hear from an eye-witness to one of the most well-observed UFO cases in history, The Broad Haven School UFO incident.
Reference Links:
"The Bizarre And Forgotten Broad Haven School UFO Incident Of 1977" on UFO Insight
Broad Haven Primary School listing in the Pembrokeshire County Council's website
"UFO SIGHTINGS IN THE WELSH TRIANGLE" Nat Geo documentary on YouTube
"UFO Wales: New X-files shed light on 'alien' sightings" from the BBC
"What REALLY happened? MoD’s 'secret investigation' into mass UFO sightings" on U.K. Express
"The Stephenville UFO Wave: 10 Years On" by Nick Redfern for Mysterious Universe
"MUFON releases report on UFO sighting in Stephenville, Texas" on Wikinews
"Father Gill & the 1959 Papua New Guinea UFO Sighting" on TheBlackVault.com
John E. Mack, M.D. – psychiatrist, parapsychologist and Alien Abduction authority
"Interview with John Mack, Psychiatrist, Harvard University" on NOVA Online
“Audio reveals creepy details of Australian UFO mystery” from News.com.au
NatGeo: "Mysterious Balls of Light Aren't UFOs, Says Science"
British UFO Investigator Russ Kellett, featured on Episode 3 of The Unexplainers
Suggested Reading:
Our friend and a bright new mind in the field of Cryptozoology, Colin Schneider, "The Crypto Kid" has published his first book!
Ramblings of Teenaged Cryptozoologists
By Colin Schneider & Tyler Houck
Click on the title above to purchase the book on Lulu.com. The Ramblings of Teenaged Cryptozoologists will also be available on Amazon and elsewhere in the coming weeks!
Suggested Listening:
Our guest for Episode 114, Rob Kristofferson has his own entertaining and informative podcast about all things UFO called, Our Strange Skies. Click on the hyperlink or cut n' paste this URL into your web browser's search bar: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/our-strange-skies/id1324932558?mt=2. Rob has been a long-standing, senior member of our Astonishing Research Corps, the "ARC," and has been featured on a few of our episodes as well. Available wherever you get your podcasts. Listen and subscribe immediately!
Check out Rhys Waters' podcast of his show, The Unexplainers called The Unexplainers Extra! If you like our show, you're gonna dig The Unexplainers Extra podcast! Here's a description of the show:
Countless attempts have been made throughout history to solve unexplained mysteries. Believers of the weird and wonderful have always reached for their go-to weapon – belief. Skeptics have tried time and again to use science to disprove mystery. Running to hide and cry behind things like evidence and knowledge.
However, paranormal legends have repeatedly punched science squarely in the fact gland before giggling and running off to continue to remain unexplained.
'The Unexplainers' is a new paranormal investigation team. Two agents of intrigue who form the perfect combination of skeptical former P.E. teacher Mike Bubbins and once chart-topping comedy rap artist, and self-proclaimed anti-skeptic John Rutledge.
Together, they charge themselves with one mission - to thoroughly unexplain the unexplainable. Their quest is simple, chance of success unlikely, their dedication to the cause questionable. But one thing, however, is clear - if there is anything out there that is unexplained, they will definitely find, or not find, any or some of answers. Possibly.
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Episode 115: David Davies – Witness to Broad Haven. Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Audio Editing by Sarah Vorhees Wendel; Ryan McCullough Sound Design; Research Assistance by Tess Pfeifle and the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a.k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or "A.R.C." for short. Copyright 2018 Astonishing Legends Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.