Ep 47: Skinwalker Ranch Part 3
Photo Gallery:

1) Skinwalker front gate, from just this past Monday 9.12.16 submitted by listener Paul, a local. (all rights reserved) 2) Bottle Hollow Reservoir (Paul) 3) A view of the rear of the ranch property (Paul) 4) All that’s left of the Ute Resort at Bottle Hollow (Paul) 5) Ute Veteran’s Memorial that stand where the Resort was (Paul) 6) Robert Bigelow 7) Terry Sherman 8) Bigelow Aerospace Patch (see anything familiar?) 9) Map of the Ranch 10) Vintage Skinwalker Portrayal from Wikipedia (P.D) 11 & 12) Original Illustrations by Chad Lewis for the show. All Rights Reserved.
Could it be that impossible creatures and craft from unimaginable worlds are able to intrude upon ours at will? Real Estate magnate Robert T. Bigelow thought so and assembled a team of scientists and researchers to find out if “Skinwalker Ranch” could be a portal to all manner of weirdness. In order to obtain verifiable data, accepted scientific methods were applied to observation and analyzation at the Sherman family property, by Bigelow’s newly formed National Institute for Discovery Science. Although they encountered a significant number of anomalies, ultimately they could provide no conclusive explanation for these bizarre events – as far as we know. It leaves us to wonder if the Scientific Method can be applied to paranormal events, however, a possible explanation regarding the origin of these incursions into our world might be found in the models currently being worked out in the field of Theoretical Physics and “The Theory of Everything.” While our best minds “do the math” on the mechanics of our universe and existence, consider this: as frightening as any monster you could encounter at Skinwalker Ranch is the realization that there are aspects of our reality that are beyond our comprehension and control.
Tonight’s Quote:
“Haven’t you ever had a dream?”
— Billionaire Robert Bigelow, the current owner of Skinwalker Ranch and Bigelow Aerospace in an August 24th, 1999 Reno Gazette-Journal interview, after he was asked why he would invest hundreds of millions of dollars into space travel.
Show Links:
We’ve found that some sites are not showing these links as clickable unless they are URLs, so until those outlets improve their show notes section, we are providing actual URLs next to the clickable description of each link to make things easier for our listeners!
- Robert Bigelow’s History http://bit.do/bigelowhistory
- The Valée-Davis Model http://bit.do/valleedavis
- George Knapp speaks at MUFON http://bit.do/georgeknappMUFON
- Flying Triangle Sightings http://bit.do/flyingtriangle
- MUFON vs Skinwalker http://bit.do/MUFONvsSkinwalker
- Bigelow Aerospace https://bigelowaerospace.com/
- Bigelow Next Step Program http://bit.do/bigaeronextstep
- Bigelow BEAM Project http://bit.do/bigelowBEAM
- Jesse Ventura’s Skinwalker Show http://bit.do/JesseVenturaSkinwalker
- The Redding War Ranch http://bit.do/ReddingWarRanch
- More on the Redding War Ranch http://bit.do/ReddingWarRanch2
- The Black Forest Haunting http://bit.do/blackforesthaunting
- The Paracast Skinwalker Episode http://bit.do/paracastSkinwalkerEp
- Dr. Eric Davis http://bit.do/drericdavis
- Prof. Michio Kaku explains The Theory of Everything http://bit.ly/2cWKUvx
- Prof. Kaku: Michio Kaku: The universe is a symphony of vibrating strings http://bit.ly/1GTWo4a
- Prof. Michio Kaku explains the universe in a nutshell http://bit.ly/1g1Yl1i
- MUFON LA presents guest speaker George Knapp, 6-17-08 http://bit.ly/2c9IMKC
- Former MUFON Int’l Dir. James Carrion questions NIDS’ intentions http://bit.ly/2cPtfRH
- The Strange History of Robert Bigelow, Who Just Sold NASA Inflatable Space Station Modules by Ken Lane http://bit.ly/2d1cu9v
- Pixies – Wave of Mutilation http://bit.ly/2cZlkBL
- Interview with US Army Colonel, Ret. John Alexander from OpenMinds.tv http://bit.ly/2cbHZMf
- Colonel Alexander’s Amazing Website http://bit.do/colonelalexanderwebsite
- Werewolf, Wolfman, or Skinwalker? One man’s account from CryptoMundo.com http://bit.ly/2cum3KH
- The Ranch from Hell by David Perkins on aliendave.com http://bit.ly/2bUhCan
- Photos of the abandoned Ute hotel & convention center at Bottle Hollow http://bit.ly/2c6yuNu
- Contact – The Movie: Talking with Hadden – Finding the Key http://bit.ly/1Qp5riL
- Contact – The Movie: “Want to take a ride?” http://bit.ly/2cagBM3
- Peter Weyland’s 2023 TED Talk http://bit.ly/1DnM7QD
- The Native American Puebloan people’s ceremonial Kiva http://bit.ly/2cbI02I
- Skinwalkers – Who or What are They? from paranormal-encounters.com http://bit.ly/2cjh0Rs
- Chupas http://bit.do/chupas
- The Phoenix Lights http://bit.do/phoenixlightswiki
- Propaganda and Persuasion http://bit.do/propagandapersuasion
- Pseudocommunication http://bit.do/pseudocommunication
- Stuff You Should Know – Satanic Panic http://bit.do/sysksatanicpanic
- Orbs at Skinwalker http://bit.do/skinwalkerorb
- George Knapp Reddit AMA http://bit.do/knappAMA
- Waterbabies http://bit.do/waterbabies
- Bottle Hollow News http://bit.do/bottlehollownews
- Bottle Hollow Homicide http://bit.do/bottlehollowhomicide
- Fort Duchesne http://bit.do/FortDuchesne
- The 9th Calvary http://bit.do/ninthcalvary
- Hunt for the Skinwalker by Colm Kelleher and George Knapp https://amzn.com/B000FCKKXU
- Skinwalker Ranch by Ryan Skinner and D.L. Wallace https://amzn.com/B00KBDFYKW
- Why Do UFOs Love This Utah Ranch So Much? Brief overview from The Daily Beast http://thebea.st/1JDtjBt
- Comprehensive overview of Skinwalker Ranch from Altered Dimensions website http://bit.ly/1FnfiES
- Communion: A True Story by Whitley Strieber https://amzn.com/0061474185
- Is A Utah Ranch The Strangest Place On Earth? Part 1 of 2 from an article by George Knapp http://bit.ly/2bTkwl8
- Is A Utah Ranch The Strangest Place On Earth? Part 2 of 2 from an article by George Knapp http://bit.ly/2cgqwny
- Navajo Skinwalker legend http://bit.ly/2bL2L4l
- Skinwalker Ranch on Wiki http://bit.ly/2c2q3Vf
- 13 Stories of Encounters with Navajo Skinwalkers http://tcat.tc/2bKYvl8
- Skinwalker Ranch: Apocalypse Close Encounters – a documentary by Marc Coppell http://bit.ly/2bSrceY
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The Dark Myths Collective
Episode 047 – “Skinwalker Ranch (Part 3)” Produced by Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess; Edited by Sarah Vorhees, Ryan McCullough Sound Design; All Original Artwork by Chad Lewis, All Rights Reserved, Research Assistance by Tess Pfeifle and the astonishing League of Astonishing Researchers, a,k.a. The Astonishing Research Corps, or “A.R.C.” for short. Copyright Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess 2016. All Rights Reserved.